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Library opening hours:


08:00 – 14:00 и 16:00 – 19:00

(pause 11:00 – 11:30)

SATURDAY:  08:00 – 12:00


Tel: +382 (0)31/321-900

Fax: +382 (0)31/324-328



No. 6 Trg Herceg Stjepana Herceg Novi




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  • Дјечија недјеља у Библиотеци
  • 22. МСК "Трг од књиге"

Library in the past

Public Institution City Library of Herceg Novi continues the tradition of the oldest library in the Herceg Novi part of Serbian Reading Room. In literature the year 1850 is mentioned as the year of founding of Serbian Reading Room but this data is not supported by archival materials. For the first time, Serbian Reading Room is mentioned in the Serbian – Dalmation magazine for the summer 1852/53 in the collection Prenumeranti on 138. page. Then, Dubrovnik calendar for 1898 states the following, very significant data: „Serbian Reading Room in Herceg Novi has been, for the first time, founded in 1875 and due to certain political causes closed in 1866; later on it once more re-opened in 1875 due to same reasons and  then re-opened in 1895.“

Administration of 1898 consists of: Jovo Nakićenović, Barnaba Tocaj, Aleksandar Mikulić, Veljko Lombardić and Mirko Komnenović. „The Zadar's Voice of the Serbian, in its 43rd issue of 1894 published: «Herceg-Novi is working on opening of a Serbian library. Already Ft.200 have been gathered by members who will be the founders, and about 80 regular members enrolled, who will pay monthly Ft.1 ''.

RULEBOOK OF THE SERBIAN READING ROOMwas verified by I. R. Governershipin Zadar on 31.12.1894 and already on 27.01.1895 on St. Sava's Day the Serbian Reading Room opened for public.

Holdings and inventory of the Serbial Reading Roomgot destroyed in the World War I.

The newspaper „Pobjedaannounced on two occasions: 31.03. and 27.05.1949 that in Herceg Novi was founded City Library and Reading Room. The founding assembly was held on 28.03.1949. The Assembly, which was opened by Miloš Drobnjaković, was attended by Niko Simov Martinović, a member of Cultural Educational Association.He spoke about significance of this institution and the requirements for its use by a large number of readers. «The newly established library will actually be Central Library where all the existing libraries of cultural and educational societies and anti-fascist organizations.The project includes establishing of museums and archives in Herceg Novi, where all historically relevant documents referring to the past of Herceg Novi, Bay of Kotor and Montenegro would be kept...“ published the newspaper „Pobjeda“ on 31st March 1949.Soon after that, on 27th May the same year, also in „Pobjeda“ we found a valuable information about the opening ceremony, which reads: „Attended by representatives of mass organizations, opening of the National Library and Reading Room in Herceg Novi was solemnized. Dr Jovan Vukić, president of the National library spoke about the importance of the opening of the National Library and Reading Room and its cultural and educational role. The Library, located in the main street, has two nicely furnished rooms accommodating the library and reading room“.Furthermore, in the annual report of the Library, entitled „Review of the Library's Work and Issues of Herceg Novi City Library during 1954, it is stated: „With the decision No. 3710/16. IV 54. Of Municipal Authority Herceg Novi turned its former City Library into the City Libraryas an institution with self financing and determined a five member Board of Directors to manage its further work.  Therewithon fifth anniversary of its fouding (1949) – this cultural-educational institution gained appreciable afirmation which, by further providing and encreasing necessary dotations, ensuredcontinuation of ever more useful activities creating continuously better conditions to all of its users both in Herceg Noviand its surroundings for earies access to useful books and broad informing by increasing number of press reports to get informed on as many press releases and happening in Montenego and the world. „

History of PI City Library belonds to the period when the Library's staff consisted first of one library technician andlater on one more librarian, while its foundings consisted of approx. 8000 library materials.

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