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Library opening hours:


08:00 – 14:00 и 16:00 – 19:00

(pause 11:00 – 11:30)

SATURDAY:  08:00 – 12:00


Tel: +382 (0)31/321-900

Fax: +382 (0)31/324-328



No. 6 Trg Herceg Stjepana Herceg Novi




  • 42
  • Boka glasnik 1908 1909
  • 2024
  • Нови број зборника Бока изашао из штампе
  • Бока : гласник за опће интересе Бокеља
  • 22. МСК "Трг од књиге"

Regional colletion

Regional Library Collection of the Bay of Kotor has been designed to add, systematize and bibliographically process written heritage of the Bay of Kotor and to offerto professional and scientific public plenty of information on history, cultural history, socio-political situation, demography, maritime affairs, activities of different associations, socio-political organizations and preserved testimonies.

Historical circumstances in the past defined the Bay of Kotor as a unique, culturally and historically rounded and recognizable region, which does not have a status of administrative unit, but can be considered a region only geografically. Therefore we believe the most convenient way to bibliographically explore the Bay of Kotor is as a whole, i.e., a region.  Central electronic catalogue (database) would provide a full rationality of operation, especially when we consider particular holdings and legacies belonging to regional collections.

Special significance for the work at regional holdings has consistenca in the application of precisely defined criteria for selection of library material. Dilemmas are inevitable and never fully resolved. Selection of library material for native library collection of the Bay of Kotor is done according to the following criteria:


·         Library materialsby the Boka born authors,

·         Library materials thematically referred to the region of the Bay of Kotor,

·         Library materials published on the teritory of the Bay of Kotor,

·         Library materials printed in the Bay of Kotor till 1945.


The Regional holdings of PI City Library of HercegNovi is not structured on value criteria and we do not apply methodology of materials selecting, therefore the opposite of the principles that underlie the basic structuring of the Library. Our goal is to collect all materials, which according to the set criteria belong to the Regional collection, regardless of the type of library materials and their value. Furthermore, the principle of chronological boundlessnessin collecting library materials gives to the Regional holdings a special dimension and allows fast accumulation.Therefore, we collect materials for the Collection from the earliest written sources to contemporary publishing production, with the exception of the place of printing criteria. Application of these principles guarantees utter comprehensivenessof the regional holdings.

In accordance with national, ethnic and confessional structure of the population of the Bay of Kotor, through its historical development, the foundation and bibliographic research of the Regional collection are based on principles of multinationality, multiethnicity and multireligiousness. The bibliographic materials which belong to the collection according to the criteria, are collected regardless of national ethnic or religious affiliation of the authors.

According to the Methodical instructions on preparation of regional collections, the following units are collected: monographs, serials, documentary-informational and official materials and non-print materials.In addition to the general criteria for the selection of regional materials, attention is paid to specific criteria in relation to each type of bibliographic material.

Regional Library collection holdings have been processedwith the use of international standards obrađen je uz primjenu svih međunarodnih standarda (ISBDM, ISBDS, ISBDA, UNIMARC – Unique communication format for machine-readable cataloguing, coding and transmission of data, UDC and detailed subject devision), first in the form of card catalogues, and since 1989 in the electronic form.Electronic bibliographic database presentsa coordinated system that combines functions of  card catalogues, at the same time integrating location data and library codewhich allows larger availability of publications.

     Automation of the Bay of Kotor Regional collection  has been carried out by application of software system CDS/ISIS, the programme recommended by UNESCO as standardized programme harmonized with methodology of General information programme at the international level. ISIS is based on international standards, and complies with international and national regulations and standards for operation of libraries and allows professional processing: monographs and serials, analytical processing of articles from serials, theses and dissertations, projects, patents, standards, cartographic material and establishment of files of biographical and lexicographical character.

Bibliographic electronic databases which the Library does not posess in the form of originals, copies or scans, but is covered de visfrom other libraries' holdings, carry the acronym of the libraries to whose holdings they belong. These data are particularly significant for users of the Regional Collection foo since they direct them to the libraries where they can use the required materials.

 The collection contains: approx. 5,000 monographs, 27 magazines titles, 68 newspaper titles, approx. 80,000 press clippings, approx. 12,000 units of non-book library material and approx. 5,000 articles from professional and scientific magazines.

Programme oriented publishing activities of the Library are based on the principle of indigenization or publishing titles from the cultural past, tradition and life of the Bay of Kotor, as well as professional publications related to bibliographic work in the frameworks of the Bay of Kotor Regional collection. The goal of publishing activity is to popularize Boka topics, characters and authors.Publishing, for now, we have divided into three segments: publishing Boka magazine: journals from science, culture and art, and two editions: Reginal bibliography of the Bay of Kotor and the edition Regional treasury.

 We have harmonized the concept of the Bay of Kotor Regional collection with the spirit of the new age, modern technologies and users' requests. Specifically, in addition to systematic collection, bibliographic research and professional bibliographic cataloguing, we pay special attention to popularizing regional funds through publishing, digitization of materials and users' services, which the Library has been developing for  years. The Library's web site contains detailed information about the history of the Institution,business organization, funds, current activities, all 35 issues of our Boka magazine: the Journal of science, culture and art in full text, digital collection of old regional periodicals and the electronic database of the most important legacy of 5,500 bibliographic units. Electronic database of Collections and Service Ask a Librarian, which we launched in 2008, enables users to obtain the necessary information electronically, without coming to the Library. The librarians reply in a timely mannner to the users' requirements via e-mail, provide the relevant literature for requested topics or provide information about required literature.

     The Library aims to be the seat of the cultural and artistic development of the city and thus to affect its cultural identity. Therefore, organizing programmes with indigenous topics: exhibitions and numerous presentations of native themes, whiters and characters is the best way.

     Regional collections are one of the most important segments of the national cultural heritage, which is why the city and the state should devote due attention and financial supportfor provision of optimal conditions: storing materials, collection of holdings, bibliographic research, popularizing, publishing and digitization. Work on the Bay of Kotor Regional collection is the workof particular sigificance for the city and the region, the library collected material is an authenticwritten evidence of the long history and tradition of the region, and the electronic database, with the task to shorten the path of scientific worker to the original indigenous materials, to correct and quick information, and using electronic technologies enable remote availability, is an indispensable source for anyone dealing with any aspect of study of the Bay of Kotor.  

So far collected written cultural heritage within the Bay of Kotor Regional collection actually witnesses the eventful past of the Bay of Kotor and, no doubt, confirms the view that „the wealth of the Collection certainly also depends on the City's, or Regional geopolitical situation in the cultural and historical development.“

     Applying the principle of indigenization to other business segments  is considered a special quality, as for the Collection, as generally for succesful operation and implementation of the basic mission of the Library.This is one way to offer to a wider audience in an unobtrusive, yet accessible manner the written Regional cultural heritage, so it would not be a privilege only of scholars and researchers.  Indeed: exhibitions, promotions, our publications, website and the digital collection found their way to a wider audience, arouse interest and performed educational role, which was our primary goal.

Structured according to contemporary demands of the information age, we believe that the Collectionis an image of the authentic culture and spiritual life of the Bay, a sign of recognition of the Herceg Novi Library, in one wordcolours of place and time, as a regional librarian wrote, and in all segments met the set requirements.

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